Identify the poem by Lord Afred Tennyson, whose first stanza is given below. It describes an attack at Balaclava during the Crimean War. There is a more famous poem describing another attack in the same war, having similar name.
The charge of the gallant three hundred, the _______ !
Down the hill, down the hill, thousands of Russians,
Thousands of horsemen, drew to the valley -and stay'd;
For Scarlett and Scarlett's three hundred were riding by
When the points of the Russian lances arose in the sky;
And he call'd, 'Left wheel into line!' and they wheel'd and obey'd.
Then he look'd at the host that had halted he knew not why,
And he turn'd half round, and he bade his trumpeter sound
To the charge, and he rode on ahead, as he waved his blade
To the gallant three hundred whose glory will never die-
'Follow,' and up the hill, up the hill, up the hill,
Follow'd the _______.
Sparky is correct
Its the "Charge of the Heavy Brigade". The more famous poem is the "Charge of the Light Brigade".